The MSc. “Geoenvironmental Resources and Risks”, in English, provides knowledge at an advanced level and practical professional expertise in fields of Earth Sciences related to natural resources and the environmental hazards, including effects on buildings and infrastructures, aiming to prepare a geologist to operate with managerial competences in:
the study, exploration, exploitation and sustainable use of georesources (water, energy and geomaterials)
the analysis of geological hazards and risks (monitoring, evaluation, mitigation management, prevention)
the interdisciplinary geoengineering aspects of the interaction between terrains and built environment, especially in seismic areas.
The combination of theory, field and laboratory activities, as well as the acquisition of competences in experimental/analytical methods, data processing and modeling, will contribute to the cultural and professional growth of the students. To specialize in the area of interest, the students can choose up to 58 credits (2 semesters) and build up a personalized study plan. The thesis (30 credits) requires a semester of independent experimental (field/lab) and theoretical work.
The acquisition of interdisciplinary knowledge is especially important in addressing environmental issues (like groundwater pollution, disaster management, sustainable use of georesources, effects of climate change, remote monitoring of ground movement and stability of structures/infrastructure). To obtain transversal competences and skills are made available (geophysical methods, GIS, field activities at advanced level). Practical workshops by geologists specialized in various fields will introduce the students to the professional world.
Internships in private companies, territorial agencies, national and international research institutions and universities, as well as study periods abroad (Erasmus+ framework in EU or extra-EU countries or the new national Erasmus), are supported by university grants. Grants for low-income students are available, as well as part-time jobs and grants for international students from selected countries. The Scuola di Studi Superiori “Carlo Urbani” ( provides grants and opportunities for excellent students.
Structure of the Master
The structure of the course is organized to take into consideration different expectations of the students (national and International). The standard study plan covers the major topics of application of the geologist in the job market.
- 1st Year CFU
Groundwater resources and hydrological hazard 10 Environmental chemistry 6 Geomaterials 6 Petroleum geology 6 Geostatistics 7 Advanced field geology 5 Elective courses and activities 18 - 2nd Year CFU
Seismic hazard 6 Volcanic hazard 6 Geophysical prospecting 10 Elective courses and activities 10 Thesis 30
More details on course contents can be found at this link.
Students can choose one of the following specialization paths or choose elective courses for a personal study plan:
Water and energy resources - Geofluids reservoirs, Geodynamics and Tectonics, Renewable energy, Geothermics, Polluted sites remediation, Advanced GIS, Remote sensing and virtual models
Geohazards - Structural geology, Seismology, Disaster management, Marine geology, Plate tectonics, Environmental geophysics, Metamorphic geology, Computer lab for geosciences
Geoengineering - Geotechnics and Geoengineering, Elements of structural engineering, Design of geotechnical structures, Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, Hydraulic-forestry remedial works
Earth and planetary materials - Isotopes and trace elements geochemistry, Planetary materials, Experimental petrology, Crystallography, Environmental sustainability, Geomaterials lab, Waste management, Material Science, Applied petrography
Admittance requirements
Bachelor Degrees that satisfy the requirements for access to University Master Degree courses, in the field of Geosciences, Geophysics, Environmental and Natural sciences, Civil/Environmental Engineering. Strongly recommended: English level B2 (Independent User)
Interviews and entrance tests will take place in the first week of October. Information on admission rules for International students are available at
Work possibilities
The graduate can find employment in:
Environmental or engineering consulting companies,
Construction companies for civil/public building works,
Agencies and institutions dealing with geological hazards and risks, environment and land/coastal monitoring/protection (in Italy, e.g. Protezione Civile, Servizi Geologici, ARPA, Servizi Tecnici di Bacino, Comunità Montane, Enti nazionali e locali)
Water and Energy exploration and management companies (in Italy, e.g. ENI, ENEL, ACEA, …)
Infrastructures and transportation sector (in Italy e.g. ANAS, ITALFER, ….)
Mineral industry (exploitation and certification of materials, management and recycling of industrial waste, sustainability, innovation, circular economy)
Scientific dissemination (natural sciences museums, geosites, natural parks, media)
As experts in cartography, GIS and remote sensing (land planning, monitoring and protection, georesources, climate change, agriculture, archaeology and cultural heritage, ….)
As geoscientists in research institutions, public/private labs and universities
As natural science (or math/science) teachers in Italian high schools (classes A03, A28, A32, A50)
After the degree
UNICAM hosts on site the examination to access the Italian Geologists’ Board (Albo professionale dei Geologi). The Geology Division hosts the PhD program in Earth Sciences research topics active in UNICAM, organized by the School of Advanced Studies, with a good annual number of scholarships. PF60 programs to acquire the teaching qualification are available at UNICAM.

Master Degree
Second Cycle Degree
duration 2 years ECTS
credits 120
Course Coordinator
Prof.ssa Eleonora Paris
+39 0737 402607
Educational Guidance
Prof. Michael Robert Carroll
+39 0737 402608
Prof. Miller Del Carmen Zambrano Cardenas
+39 3271575372
International Mobility
Prof. Gabriele Giuli
+39 0737 402606
Stage e placement
Prof. Pietropaolo Pierantoni
+39 0737 402601